
Stationary Flat Tops - Specifications

  • PPSI
  • FD 60
  • FD 90

Sanmit Products
Under Lickerin Segments - Suitable for 40" cards

S.No.     Sanmit Model
1.       D-K 715, D-K 740, D-K 760, D-K 780 & D-K 800
2.       C.10, C.50 & C.51
3.       C.1/2, C.1/2a, C.1/3, SM.H, SM.3H, SM.3HA, SM.3HA-V3, SM.3HA-V4, SM.3H61, SM.3H63, T-C 360, T-C 450 & other 40" cards
4.       JFA 186, JFA 201, JFA 203, JFA 203A, JFA 203B, JFA 212, JFA 225, JFA 226, JFA 227, JFA 228, JFA 231C, JWF 1203, JWF 1204 & other CHINESE cards
5.       BLOW ROOM CVT - 3 & CVT - 4 (FD 60)

Salient Features:

  • It is a unique special process to remove carbon deposits associated with the manufacturing process.
  •     Diamond gives silver clean, burr free finish that leaves the wire smooth and contamination free like a semi pinned shape.
  •     Burr free and smooth finish, protects the fibre from breakage as a more gentle carding action results highest yarn strength.
  •     Closer setting after initial wire mounting, as the wire is less aggressive which protects the fibre from damage.
  •     Higher nep removal efficiency and lower shot fibre content after the intial mounting and throughout the service.
  •     The card can put into full production thereby increasing productivity.
  •     Long service life and greater added value.
  •     Madeout of imported micro alloy Steel.
  •     Suitable for all models.
  •     More accuracy, cost economic, maintenance free, easy fit and dimensional stablity.
  •     To achieve perfect gauging and long life.

SKU : sanmit0003

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